Thunder & Lightnings

Airfield Viewing Guide - RAF Waddington

If you see any suspicious vehicles or activity, please report it to the guardroom on 01522 727005. Also please note that the land surrounding much of the airfield is farmland and the farmers are extremely sensitive to people abusing their hospitality and walking through crops.

RAF Waddington

General Description

RAF Waddington is located East of Waddington village, between the A607 and A15, 3 miles South of Lincoln in Lincolnshire. "Waddo", as it is popular known, is home to the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team - the Red Arrows and is also the RAF's ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance) centre, with flying units consisting of 13 Squadron (Reaper drones), 14 Squadron (Shadow R.1), 31 Squadron (Protector drones), 51 Squadron (RC-135W Rivet Joint) and 54(R) Squadron (ISTAR training on all based types - no airframes of their own really though their badge has appeared on the E-3s in the past alongside the 8 Squadron badge) as well as various entirely ground-based supporting units and squadrons. Vulcan XM607 of 'Black Buck' Falklands fame is preserved on the station and used to be parked near the viewing area - at the time of writing, however, it is elsewhere on the station having some restoration work carried out on it.

RAF Waddington viewing locations
122.1Tower NATO
123.3Approach NATO
297.975Shadow Ops
343.975Aden Ops
362.3Approach NATO
369.4Vulcan Ops
Last updated5th August 2021

What you can expect to see

Waddington is now busier than in recent years, with regular Red Arrows practice sessions and a a mixture of movements from the other based types (Shadow and RC-135), occasional practice approaches from Cranwell's Prefects and Phenoms, and occasional visitors such as NATO E-3s, RAF helicopters stopping for fuel and so on. The Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance is also based in a compound opposite the airfield and is a common sight. While the regular foreign fighter deployments ceased with the closure of the North Sea ACMI ranges, Waddington still hosts some major exercises - Cobra Warrior in particular, which is usually around 3 weeks of varied action from foreign visitors twice a year.

Waddington is a 24-hour emergency diversion airfield, so occasionally aircraft will divert here if they have problems or their destination is weathered in. As the station is basically shut down over the weekend though, anything diverting here between Friday afternoon and Sunday is stuck there until Monday! Other infrequent users of Waddington are civilian aircraft using the runway for training - something RAF types do much more often of course.


This station is easily found alongside the A15 just south of Lincoln, with the Waddington Aircraft Viewing Area (WAVE) signposted just before you get to it (A). WAVE used to be one of the best viewing areas in the country, with lots of (paved!) parking, toilets and the Sentry Post Snack Bar and Shop. However, the operators of Sentry Post shut up shop some time back, and after a hiatus during which the viewing area was entirely closed, it was reopened as a more basic facility with a single portaloo and a burger van, and a height bar of 2.1m with rules banning vans. Opening times vary so keep an eye on the WAVE Facebook group. An alternative overflow for parking here is thankfully provided by the Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Training Centre just south of the WAVE - two old dispersals are located either side of their entrance road and may be used via donation to the Fire Fighters Charity. If you make use of this facility, please keep the entrance road clear, park on the concrete and do not walk across the farmer's field to get to the WAVE or airfield - walk out of the entrance road and then along the verge.

Sitting in the WAVE car park or overflow parking you can get passable shots of aircraft landing on runway 20 with a big lens, or departing from runway 02, but for really good shots you'll need to get walking. So, out of your car and cross the road - the A15 is very busy with fast-moving traffic, so take care. On this side of the road (B) there is now a tall fence with an even taller hedge - gone are the days when it was easy to photograph aircraft taxiing past. So, you'll need a stepladder for any view - what that gives you is truly excellent views of aircraft taxiing at close range - a 28-200 size lens will do for stuff on the taxiway, up to 300-400mm lenses for fighters ending their landing run on 02 (or landing on 20) or smaller for larger aircraft like RC-135s or A-400Ms. You can also look South down the taxiway to sometimes see at least the tails of aircraft parked up on Bravo and Charlie dispersals - no good for photos because of obstructions but possibly useful for serials. As they taxi out of these dispersals heat haze and distance tends to make photos fairly pointless but if 20 is in use, they'll soon come closer! Fighters often hold short of the runway along this taxiway too, so you can get plenty of time to photograph them and breathe in that glorious jet exhaust.

Looking across the airfield to the Northernmost hangar (the modern looking one) you may glimpse some of the Red Arrows Hawks parked outside on Alpha dispersal; no good for photos though. Aircraft departing from 02 will usually lift off out of sight over the hump of the runway far to your left and are a little high by the time they get close to you, but passable shots can be had. Aircraft departing from 20 or landing on 20 give you even better photo opportunities, and anything using the western taxiway will offer some nice head-on photos as they turn onto the runway.

Further up the road the hedge disappears but the fence continues, so a smaller stepladder can suffice. Then you'll get to the frangible red and white fence at the runway end, this has pretty big gaps so you can photograph through the bars. The previous wooden fence had been blown over a few times in recent years by departing or landing aircraft so it's not a healthy place to hang around for long at (as per the signs warning of injury if you stay here), and if it gets busy here the RAF security patrols or civilian police may move you on. The opposite side of the road (C) is a little safer though obviously offers no view inside the airfield itself. The wide verge on the airfield side does at least offer a bit more separation from the busy A15 traffic so that you can reposition at will as the light changes through the day.

NATO E-3 turning finals
NATO E-3 turning onto finals (taken from near point D); author

There's one further spot good for arrivals to runway 20, or aircraft circuit bashing on 02. Bloxholm Lane runs to the North-East of the A15 and smaller aircraft often turn over it, providing good topside photo opportunities. Larger aircraft circuit bashing on 02 sometimes turn quite tightly on departure giving similar opportunities. So, back to the car and drive out of the WAVE, turning right, then taking the third exit on the roundabout into Bloxholm Lane just before you reach Bracebridge Heath. Now if you keep an eye out on your right you'll soon see the approach lights again. There are a number of places where you can pull off the road to park (particularly on the wide flat verge on the right e.g. D). Anyway, basically the whole length of this road can be useful, it depends entirely on the style of circuit aircraft are carrying out. If you're lucky you can get some nice top-side shots as they bank hard over to bring themselves onto the approach for 20 or downwind for 02. As always the bigger your lens the better; 400mm is really a minimum for this style of shot and frankly on most days you'll need much more.

The next spot is more for spotters than photographers - back to the car and continue down the road, turning right onto the B1178. As you reach the A15 you'll see a track straight ahead. This runs along part of the southern perimeter of the station. It is gated, and sometimes locked, although ownership of it is not clear (MoD or farmer). Either way, enthusiasts used to regularly drive up it (E) to get more views of any aircraft parked in Charlie dispersal nearby (a rarity these days!), often providing another serial or two, mostly without serious hassle from the station or from the farmer. In recent years there has apparently been the occasional bit of fuss made and I would recommend parking nearby and walking (in case the gates are locked after driving up!) and being courteous to anyone challenging you.

Good old days - Nimrod on approach (taken from point F); author

There are more dispersals down at the southern end of the airfield, primarily used by visitors during exercises, but occasionally by residents so it can be worth a look here just to make sure. Also, of course, if runway 02 is in use then for any approach shots you need to get to the Southern end of the airfield anyway. To do so, drive South on the A15 and turn right to head West on the B1178. After approximately 1.5 miles the road bends to the right and then to the left; as it bends right there's a lane running North (actually an old Roman road). This lane has become very rough in recent years with some suspension-killing potholes and often lots and lots of mud so it's best to leave your car in the layby on the southern side of the B1178 (F) - please keep clear of the large yellow gates as large trailers and lorries need access there. The layby to the north of the road is now normally coned off. Large aircraft on approach can be photographed from here, but you need a big lens - 500mm+.

So, welly boots on and walk the rest of the way on this muddy potholed lane to the crash gate (G). From here you are right next to Echo dispersal and a can look across to the 02 threshold if there's nothing parked in the way; passable landing shots in the morning if you have a huge ladder and a big lens (300mm plus, less for larger types) - but only of them airborne, the large lighting poles along the fence ruin the view as they pass to your right. You will have passed a couple of field entrances on your way - please keep out of the farmer's fields, there's no need to enter them as you'll see.

To get closer to the runway end from the crash gate, simply continue walking to your left from the crash gate, following the station fence (initially hemmed in on both sides by the fence and a hedge) and you'll soon see the approach lights (H). Not only can you get great head-on or side-on landing shots from around here, you can also catch aircraft touching down (from behind naturally) or completing their landing roll on 20, and taxiing on or off the runway. Although you'll need a stepladder to see over the fence at most points, there are also numerous parts where the field edge behind you is high enough for anybody of average height to be able to see over the fence. Once again the red and white frangible fence on the approach line is not the safest place in the world so try and keep off the direct centreline and don't be surprised if you do get asked to leave on some days.

Islander on approach
Islander on approach (taken from point J); author

If you continue walking around the fence, you'll find there is more red and white fence along the western perimeter - this is so larger aircraft like RC-135s can use high power when taxiing onto the runway on the nearby taxiway, but is usually safe enough to hang around at if need be. You can walk along this fence line as far as the windsock pole (I), but the owners of the farmhouse beyond that point would prefer you not to go further. From here you can see across to Delta dispersal, though it's not much use for photos. Locals do tend to use the field edges round here as unofficial footpaths e.g. for dogwalking so you can also reach this spot from the A607 if need be (in which case park in one of the side roads there).

Returning to the crash gate, there is also Delta dispersal that used to be reachable by walking to the right of the gate, following the station fence once again. This is now impassable due to hedge growth, and the farmer would prefer you not to use his fields to get there either. Anything in that dispersal will start up and taxi out at some point anyway so you'll see them eventually!

Back down the lane and turn right to get back onto the B1178 and just before you reach the A607 crossroads there are a couple of places off the side of the road where you can park (only room for one car on one and two or three on the other though); e.g. by a field entrance (J). Aircraft on approach to 02 pass nearly overhead here, but are usually quite high so photographically it's a bit of a dead loss. One further spot not well known is a footpath that is about 200 meters South of Waddington village, leading off the A607 and going right up to the airfield perimeter fence (K). From here a 300-400 mm lens will give you good shots, but it's only useful in the late afternoon because of the sun's position earlier in the day. It does offer another view across to Delta dispersal, but a bit too distant for photography.

That's about it for Waddo; there is one preserved airframe on the station - the Vulcan - but at the time of writing it is out of sight in the hangars being restored.

Other Information

There is an annual Families Day which involves an air display; during this, the WAVE is kept open but visitors are not allowed to leave it to stand along the station fence, and significant parking restrictions are instituted to keep surrounding roadsides clear. Access to the 02 end is usually restricted when there is a display scheduled too. The general attitude to spotters at Waddington is pretty relaxed outside of displays and exercises. Petrol and shops available in Waddington village.

RAF Coningsby is about 30 minutes away to the East via the A17 and A153 and RAF Cranwell is about 20-30 minutes away to the South via the A15 or A607. There is also the Newark Air Museum about 25 minutes away on the A46 if you have time.

Contributors: Nick Challoner, Michael Anderson, author, Gary Parsons, Milscanners.