Thunder & Lightnings

SEPECAT Jaguar - Survivor XX959 (8953M)

GR.1 XX959 - DSAE, (stored), RAF Cosford, Shropshire

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Jaguar GR.1 XX959 at RAF Cosford, 9th June 2024; Jake Wallace

First flown 14th October 1975, XX959 was delivered to 20 Squadron at RAFG Brüggen (coded CJ) but enjoyed a fairly short career, as the Squadron re-equipped with the Tornado in June 1984.

She was accordingly retired to storage at Shawbury in July 1984. By February 1988 she had moved the short distance to Cosford to become an instructional airframe and has been there ever since, making a few appearances at the airshows.

In 2023, XX959 was moved outside into storage, no longer being used as an instructional airframe with the possibility of being put up for disposal in the near future.

Information on this page current as of 15/06/2024, last updated by Jake

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