Thunder & Lightnings

SEPECAT Jaguar - Survivor XX825 (9020M)

GR.1 XX825 - DSAE, (stored), RAF Cosford, Shropshire

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Jaguar GR.1 XX825 at RAF Cosford, 9th June 2024; Jake Wallace

First flying in September 1975, XX825 was delivered to the RAF in October that same year. After 10 years of service, the airframe was retired and placed into storage at Shawbury in 1985

XX825 was relocated in February 1989 to the No.1 SoTT at RAF Halton where she became an instructional airframe, gaining the maintenance number 9020M. She was later transferred to the SoTT at RAF Cosford, still being used for training purposes. Tucked away for a lot of the time whilst, at Cosford, she has made a few appearances at events.

During 2023, XX825 was placed into external storage where it is possible she might be put up for disposal in the future.

Information on this page current as of 15/06/2024, last updated by Jake

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