Avro Vulcan - Links, References & Credits
- First stop of course is The Vulcan to the Sky Trust who operate XH558 and are always on the scrounge for money to keep the aircraft... taxiing. Because, of course, she is no longer a flyer.
- XM655 is looked after by the 655 Maintenance and Preservation Society at Wellesbourne. Never likely to fly, and with no efforts towards that goal, XM655 is however kept in running condition and makes fast taxi runs.
- The Vulcan Restoration Trust also look after a Vulcan - theirs is XL426, XH558's predecessor as the Vulcan display aircraft.
References - Books
An excellent and riveting account of the first Black Buck mission to bomb the runway at Port Stanley during the Falklands War in 1982. The author has clearly put a great deal of effort into his research, but has not produced the sort of dry technical account that so many would in his place - instead, it reads almost like a novel at times. The mission is covered right from the Argentine invasion through all the preparations to the flight itself, with all sorts of fascinating detail thrown in along the way. Thoroughly recommended.

Warpaint No.30 Avro Vulcan by Kev Darling
ISSN 1361-0369
Published by Hall Park Books, 2001
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Another good addition to the pretty reliable Warpaint series, this volume concentrates on the aircraft from a modeller's point of view with colour profiles illustrating a variety of schemes and a development and service history. Sadly the scale plans in the centerfold are not to be relied upon - they are hugely inaccurate, particularly in the area of the nose and cockpit.

Warbird Tech volume 26 - Avro Vulcan by Kev Darling
ISBN 1-58007-023-X
Published by Airlife Publishing
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In common with the other Warbird Tech books, this one concentrates on the development and service history but also technical aspects of the aircraft, with lots of pictures and diagrams illustrating the various systems onboard a Vulcan. Very little colour, but well worth getting; particularly useful if you're super-detailing a model Vulcan. I do have to declare an interest again though - some of my pictures are in this book too.
Postwar Military Aircraft: 4 - Avro Vulcan by Andrew Brookes
ISBN 0-7110-1548-1
Published by Ian Allan Ltd.
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Very full history, lots of pictures, diagrams, plans and so on, Vulcan squadrons and production breakdown. Thoroughly recommended; recently reprinted too, so readily available.

V-Force - The History of Britain's Airborne Deterrent by Andrew Brookes
ISBN 978-0710602381
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A good book on the entire V-force with good Vulcan coverage.
Historical Series No.15: Olympus - The First Forty Years by Alan Baxter
ISBN 1-9511710-9-7
Published by The Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust
Includes around 40 pages on the development of the various marks of Olympus used in Vulcans with several black and white pictures. Also has TSR2 material; well worth getting hold of.
Legends of The Air 5 - Vulcan, Boeing B-47 & B-52 by Stewart Wilson
ISBN 1-875671-27-7
Published by Aerospace Publications Pty Ltd.
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While only a third of this book is devoted to the Vulcan, it's still worth getting for that alone - a great account of both development and service history, description of the variants with plan views and colour side views, and a great selection of photos of Vulcans in their prime in the 1960s and 1970s. And I suppose if you're partial to big Boeing bombers the other two sections of the book may be of interest! Possibly not worth getting if you already have the Wings of Fame volume (see below) but it does have a number of rare pictures of Vulcans visiting Australia and New Zealand so true addicts should still go for it.
Vulcan - last of the V-bombers by Duncan Cubitt and Ken Ellis
ISBN 1-85152-968-3
Published by Chancellor Press
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Good history and lots of great colour photos covering Vulcan survivors in 1992. Recommended, as it can often be found at a cut-down price!
Vulcan Super Profile by Christopher Chant
ISBN 0-85429-436-8
Published by Haynes, 1984
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A largely pictorial look at the Vulcan's history and covering the usual ground with nothing to distinguish it from weightier publications apart from larger than normal reproduction of some of the pictures (which tend to be familiar ones).
Modern Combat Aircraft: 11 - V-Bombers by Robert Jackson
ISBN 1 901945 03 0
Published by Ian Allan Ltd./Book Law Publications
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A book on the entire V-Force, but good Vulcan coverage and even a full section on the Blue Steel ASM. Recently reprinted, though no updates have been made to the book (originally published in 1981) so it's rather out of date.
The ever-excellent series of volumes includes this one which is worth buying for the Vulcan article alone. Lavishly illustrated with photos, a colour gate-fold, 3-views, 3D cutaway, detail pictures (of XH558!), has an excellent development and service history plus individual aircraft histories.
References - Magazines
- The Aeroplane, 6th December 1957: includes an article on Vulcan production.
- Aircraft Illustrated, April 1983: Where have all the Vulcans gone? Rundown of the fates of all Vulcans at the time with black and white pictures of Cosford's late lamented B.1 XA900 and another Vulcan now lost - B.2 XM569 - landing at Cardiff Airport (where it was scrapped in 1995, only the nose section surviving).
- Aircraft Illustrated, June 1984: Vulcan farewell - article on the last Vulcan scramble with a few black and white pictures (only one of the scramble though!) plus A Vulcan Venture - article on XM655's arrival at Wellesbourne Mountford and the original plans to get her flying in Roy Jacobsen's care. Several black and white pictures plus one full page, full colour shot of XM655 on her last flight.
- Aircraft Illustrated, November 1996: Flying The Vulcan - an extract from Andrew Brooke's book (see above). A good article with some monochrome pictures, memories from pilots who flew the Vulcan. Gives you a good idea of the quality of the full book.
- AIR Pictorial May 1974: Avro Vulcan by Elfan ap Rees - part 1 of an excellent two part article, covering design and development including the Avro 707s and the Vulcan B.1.
- AIR Pictorial June 1974: Avro Vulcan by Elfan ap Rees - part 2 of an excellent two part article, covering further development, the B.2 and squadron service.
- AIR Pictorial July 1983: Operation "Black Buck" - good article on the Falklands raids with some rare monochrome pictures.
- Airfix Magazine, May 1984: review of Airfix kit on p 787.
- Airfix Magazine, June 1984L picture on front cover, article on building Airfix kit with four pictures on pp 843 to 848.
- Airfix Magazine, October 1984: two pictures on pp 82 and 83 (showing access ladder).
- AIR Pictorial, March 1982: Vulcan Sortie with the "Dambusters" - Malcolm English's article on a flight in 617 squadron's B.2 XL318 (now in the RAF Museum) with several black and white pictures and a full page (inner cover) full colour picture of B.2 XM574 taking off.
- ExAir, November 1992: three pictures of XH558 on p 34.
- FlyPast, October 1992: included a pull-out Classic Aircraft supplement dedicated to the Vulcan, with some good pictures, a short history, list of survivors and a couple of pages on the ultimately unsuccessful efforts to keep XH558 flying in RAF hands.
- FlyPast, March 1993: Olympian Delta - Ken Ellis' small article on the aftermath of the decision to sell XH558, printed before she was bought by Dave Walton. Two colour pictures of XH558, plus two colour pictures of XM575 at East Midlands Aeropark and XM605 at Castle Air Museum, plus a small note on Delta Engineering's acquisition of XM655 at the time.
- FlyPast, November 2000: The Perfect Delta - Jack Talliss recalls a period of his RAF service spent testing Vulcan prototype VX770 with Rolls-Royce. Interesting article with several monochrome pictures.
- Jets Winter 1999: Vulcan special issue including history of XH558, an article on flying the Vulcan, survivor listing, etc.
- Military In Scale, December 1992: article on the Vulcan and a review of the Airfix kit with many detail pictures of XL360 on pp 42 to 46.
- Take Off numbers 15, 16 and 17: The V-Bomber story - a three-part article on the V-bombers, including much coverage of Vulcan operations and some good pictures.
- Scale Modelling International, November 1992: picture of XH558 on p 35.
- Scale Modelling International, February 1993: picture of XH558 on front cover, short article on XH558 with six pictures on pp 20 and 21.
This section would have been greatly the poorer without contributions from the following - so many thanks to (in
alphabetical order):
Gary Barker, David Barrott, Craig Blundred, Les Bywaters (RIP), Dave Castle, Dick Clements (RIP), Ray Deacon, Mark Ellis, Nicolas Godfurnon,
Paul Hartley, Rick Kent, Gareth Helliwell, Garry Lakin, Bob Lawson, Jarmo Lindberg, Tom McGhee, Colin Mears, Bob Mitchell, John Nickolls,
Graham Tiller, Charles Toop and Frank Wielbo.
Thanks also to the following organisations:
655 Maintenance & Preservation Society, British Aviation Heritage, Midland Air Museum and the North East Aircraft Museum.