Thunder & Lightnings

SEPECAT Jaguar - Survivor XZ370 (9004M)

GR.1 XZ370 - DSAE, (stored), RAF Cosford, Shropshire

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Jaguar GR.1 XZ370 at RAF Cosford, 9th June 2024; Jake Wallace

XZ370 carried out her first flight in October 1976 before being delivered to the RAF weeks later. After 9 years of service, XZ370 retired to Shawbury in 1985 where she was then later transferred to RAF Cosford where she became an instructional airframe, as 9004M.

Recently, XZ370 has sadly been relocated into external storage on the airfield. Taped to the port side of her is a piece of paper, reading the following...

Declared to the DSA.
No items to be removed from this A/C.
A/C not to be used for training.

A year later, in June 2024, XZ370 was moved to the other side of the airfield where its appearance has quite rapidly deteriorated with the dark sea grey fading to a very light grey, whilst the roundels and markings have begun to lose their vibrant colours.

Information on this page current as of 15/06/2024, last updated by Jake

Find other photos of XZ370 on the following sites:

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