Thunder & Lightnings

SEPECAT Jaguar - Survivor XZ117

GR.3A XZ117 - DSAE, RAF Cosford, Shropshire

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Jaguar GR.3A XZ117 at RAF Cosford, 9th June 2024; Jake Wallace

XZ117 first flew on 29th April 1975 and entered service with 41 Squadron the next month, coded E. By 1994 she had moved to 54 Squadron at RAF Coltishall, coded GG, and then onward to 6 Squadron (coded EP) by 1999.

She was one of the more well-photographed jets as she was selected to be the 16 Squadron display jet for the 2004 season, wearing a smart black tail fin. She returned to her original squadron 41, in mid-2005, coded FB, but ended her flying career with 6 Squadron coded ES.

She flew into Cosford for ground instructional duties in mid-2007 and has been there ever since. The aircraft remains hydraulically and electrically live which was demonstrated at the 2023 RAF Cosford Airshow with undercarriage retractions throughout the day.

Information on this page current as of 15/06/2024, last updated by Jake

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