Thunder & Lightnings

SEPECAT Jaguar - Survivor XX976 (8906M)

GR.1 XX976 - DSAE, (stored), RAF Cosford, Shropshire

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Jaguar GR.1 XX976 at RAF Cosford, 4th April 2024; Jake Wallace

First flown on 13th January 1976, XX976 was delivered to Shawbury initially and then on to 31 Squadron (as 'DK') and later 17 Squadron (as 'BD'), RAFG Bruggen.

She had a relatively short service life, being retired to storage at Shawbury by March 1985. Onwards to RAF Halton and No.1 SoTT by October 1986 (as 8906M), a decade later she moved to RAF Cosford (No.2 SoTT, later No. 1 SoTT then DCAE, and now DSAE). Being kept undercover for most of the time, XX976 did venture outside now and again for airshows and other events.

In 2023, she was moved outside into storage where she may be put up for disposal in the near future.

Information on this page current as of 15/06/2024, last updated by Jake

Find other photos of XX976 on the following sites:

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