Thunder & Lightnings

Hawker Sea Hawk - Survivor Unknown

FGA.4 Unknown - Graham Sparkes, Hooton Park, Ellesmore Port, Cheshire

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Sea Hawk FGA.4 Unknown at Newark, 20th June 2011; Damien Burke

A mystery Sea Hawk nose, this one. Before Graham owned it, it was squirreled away in a garage in Somerset for 20 years or so, having been bought by its then-owner from the defunct Wales Aircraft Museum in Cardiff. The traces of red paint visible in the photo are remnants of the overall red scheme it wore at Cardiff but the scheme is no clue to its identity as that museum was in the habit of painting weird and wonderful schemes on all of its airframes. Graham is continuing to restore the nose and hopefully an identity for it will be revealed in due course. He has a website, here: Hawker Cockpits.

Information on this page current as of 11/01/2012, last updated by Damien

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